Malaysian cuisine is one of the finest in the world, with a vast range of flavorful and delicious dishes showcasing their rich food culture. 

Various countries like China, India, Arab, and others are highly inspired by Malaysian food, which is one of the core reasons for its immense popularity.  

Where Malaysians enjoy mouthwatering dishes, the pressure of maintaining body weight becomes a real struggle, right? 

Therefore, knowing your concerns, we have compiled a list of foods (along with their calorie count) that you may take in your daily routine.

Apart from that, you’ll find some really amazing information pieces to help you count your calories like a pro. So, let’s dig in.  


Common Malaysian Food Calorie

You may agree that where food plays a vital role in everyone’s life, you cannot deny the importance of good health because a huge part of our well-being depends on the diet we consume. 

Fortunately, you can enjoy your meals while being mindful of your health. To do so, you need to learn and equip yourself with the knowledge of Malaysian food calories. 

But before we discuss the importance of counting calories and preferred dishes for keeping your health in check, let’s quickly overview some common Malaysian food calories. 

Consequently, the traditional Malaysian breakfast, Nasi Lemak, contains 644 calories. Most soups and Traditional Malaysian Kuih have a calorie count of 217- 660 and 100 – 422 calories, respectively. And last but not least, most protein-packed curries and seafood have a calorie range of 65- 500 calories. 

Why is it Important to Calculate Your Calorie Intake?

Since calorie is considered the potential unit of energy in nutrition, it is important to know the significance of calculating calorie intake.

Start with the basics; counting your calories gives you a better insight into your daily energy. As insignificant as this sounds, your calorie intake influences your health on a large scale.

A person consuming more calories than their recommended intake is more likely to be at risk of health conditions like type 2 Diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, depression, etc. 

Likewise, eating less than their recommended intake can suffer from various health setbacks like slow metabolism, chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency, etc. Other than that, calculating your calorie intake also plays a vital role in 

  • Building a healthy relationship with food.
  • Reaching your ideal body weight and optimal health
  • Helping you integrate mindful eating through portion control.
  • Fulfilling your body’s basic requirements of a balanced diet through macronutrients.
  • Aids you in integrating long-term healthy habits

A Quick Rundown of Expert Opinions about Calorie Count

As we talk more about the fruitful benefits of calculating calorie intake, let us dive into the reviews of Nutritionists and licensed professionals. 

Jan Chozen Bays is a renowned mindful eating educator with years of experience under her belt. She also successfully published her book “Mindful Eating,” This is what she has to say about the hidden magic of counting calorie intake for healthy living.

The problem is not in the food… The problem lies in the mind. It lies in our lack of awareness of the messages coming in from our body… Mindful eating helps us learn to hear what our body is telling us about hunger and satisfaction. It helps us become aware of who in the body/heart/ mind complex is hungry, and how and what is best to nourish it.

Jan Chozen Bays

Another famous Nutrition Scientist, Roger J. Williams, sheds light on the miracle of healing our bodies and reaching our maximum potential through good dietary habits.

When in doubt, use nutrition first  ~ Roger J.Williams

Now that we know the importance of calculating calorie intake, let’s comprehend the standard calorie intake in Malaysia. Based on the Malaysia Dietary Guidelines 2010, the recommended calorie intake for adults with minimal physical activity is below.

  • The average male needs to consume 2000 kcal of calories.
  • The average female requires 1500 kcal.

It is different for both sexes, where men usually have an increased calorie intake requirement.

That said, a person’s ideal calorie intake depends on more factors. These include weight, height, age, activity level, and associated health issues.

How Can You Count Your Food Calories?

After learning about the recommended calorie intake in Malaysia, the next step is familiarizing yourself with different ways to track your calories.

  • Tracking calories through nutritional information

In this method, the chart available on the food products serves as your guide. Read and note the quantity of macronutrients like carbs, proteins, and fats. 

Apply the formula given below:

Quantity of Nutrient x Calorie Equivalent= No. of Calories

Calorie Equivalent of 1g protein = 4 calorie

Calorie Equivalent of 1g Carbohydrate = 4 calorie

Calorie Equivalent of 1g Fat = 9 calorie

For instance, if a canned product contains 15g of protein, 30g of carbohydrates, and 10g of fats, after applying the formula, one serving contains 60, 120, and 90 calories of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, respectively. 

And after adding 60 + 120 + 90 = 270 calories per serving. If the product contains two servings, counting your calories this way will aid you in thoughtful eating without exceeding your optimal calorie intake.

  • Leveraging technology like Calorie Tracking Apps 

Besides counting your food calories via reading nutritional information, you can also opt for a Calorie tracker online. 

Most of these have free versions available and give adequate knowledge about the calorie count of a particular dish. Or, if you are more into books, grab a reliable guidebook.

Following the methods of counting food calories, it is time to determine your required daily calorie intake to make the necessary changes for achieving perfect health.

To find your daily calorie intake, apply the formula given below:

Your weight in KG x 30 calories

For instance, if you weigh 65 kgs, multiply 65 X 30 = 1950. 

This means, 1950 calories should be your daily calorie goal.

Although the shared formula is a good indicator of your daily calorie intake, certain other factors should also be taken into account. These revolve around your Basal Metabolic rate, physical activity level, age, height, and bodily needs.

Calories Count of Malaysian Food

As you may have made up your mind to ensure healthy eating and start tracking calories, let us ease your journey by sharing some Malaysian food that fits your goal perfectly.

We’ll begin with a list of low-calorie Malaysian foods before you jump to integrate low-calorie foods into your diet. It is crucial to identify if it’s actually beneficial for you or if it will be the unsuitable pick for you. 

If you fall in the category of people who are:

  • Trying to lose weight
  • Maintaining your current weight
  • Dealing with hormonal issues
  • Has a BMI over the range of 30

Low-Calorie Malaysian Food Chart

Although it is advised for most of your meals to stick to low-calorie Malaysian food, grabbing a few bits of low-calorie snacks keeps your spirit alive and does not burn you out in the long run.

Food NameCalories (Approximate)Serving Size (Typical)
Grilled Chicken Satay150 – 2004 – 5 skewers
Clear Tom Yum Soup50 – 701 bowl
Steamed Fish150 – 2001 fillet
Tofu and Vegetable Stir-fry150 – 2001 plate
Vegetable Nasi Goreng200 – 2501 plate
Papaya Salad100 – 1501 serving
Chicken Rendang (Lean cuts)250 – 3001 serving
Grilled Fish with Sambal200 – 2501 serving
Egg Drop Soup50 – 801 bowl
Steamed Rice Rolls100 – 1501 serving

Low-Calorie Snacks in Malaysia

SnackApproximate CaloriesServing Size
Fresh FruitsVaries1 medium fruit
Roasted Chickpeas100 – 150 calories1/4 to 1/3 cup
Air-Popped Popcorn30 – 50 calories1 cup
Steamed Corn on the Cob70 – 100 calories1 medium cob
Vegetable Sticks with Hummus100 – 150 calories1 cup of veggies + 2 tbsp hummus
Boiled Sweet Potato100 – 150 calories1 medium sweet potato
Hard-Boiled EggsAround 70 calories1 egg
Rice CakesAround 35 – 50 calories1 rice cake
Greek Yogurt with BerriesAround 100 calories1 small container
Mixed Nuts Around 150 – 200 caloriesSmall handful
Seaweed SnacksAround 20 – 50 calories1 package or sheet
Low-Calorie Instant OatsAround 100 calories1 packet (prepared)
Frozen GrapesVaries1 cup
Rice Paper RollsAround 50 – 70 calories1 roll
Low-Fat Cottage CheeseAround 50 – 70 calories1/2 cup

Low-Calorie Meals of Malaysia Airlines

If you have to travel frequently, you need to equip yourself with a list of low-calorie meals from Malaysia Airlines to track your calorie intake efficiently without stress.

Food Name CaloriesSmall handful
Low Calorie Vegetarian Meal4201 cup of steamed vegetables, 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/4 cup of tofu, and 2 tablespoons of low-fat sauce.
Low Calorie Chicken Meal5003 ounces of grilled chicken breast, 1 cup of steamed vegetables, and 1/2 cup of brown rice.
Low Calorie Fish Meal5503 ounces of steamed fish, 1 cup of steamed vegetables, and 1/2 cup of brown rice.
Low Calorie Pasta Meal4501 cup of whole wheat pasta, 1 cup of steamed vegetables, and 2 tablespoons of low-fat sauce.
Low Calorie Salad Meal3502 cups of mixed greens salad, 2 ounces of grilled chicken or fish, 1 cup of steamed vegetables, and 2 tablespoons of low-fat dressing.

High-Calorie Malaysian Foods

While a huge population struggles to lose weight, a large percentage aims to gain it. A diet packed with high-calorie foods is one of the easiest ways to win this journey.

FoodApproximate CaloriesServing Size
Nasi Lemak500 – 800 calories1 plate
Murtabak400 – 600 calories1 piece
Roti Canai250 – 350 calories1 piece
Char Kway Teow600 – 800 calories1 plate
Rendang400 – 600 calories1 serving
Laksa400 – 600 calories1 bowl
Mee Goreng Mamak500 – 700 calories1 plate
Ayam Percik300 -500 calories1 serving
Rojak300 – 500 calories1 serving
Satay150 – 250 calories1 portion (about 10 skewers)
Mee Rebus400 – 600 calories1 plate
Pisang Gorencwcg200 – 300 calories3 – 4 pieces

Final Words

As we wrap up our insightful talk about Calorie intake and different Malaysian calorie foods, considering the pivotal role of a good diet can’t be ignored. 

Calorie intake efficiently assists you in making better decisions and reaching optimal health. But it comes with its own set of restrictions.

While you can track calories and try your best, seeking professional help can sometimes be necessary.