Nail Health Chart

Your nails can be seen from a distance. The color of your nails might reveal a lot more about you than you’d think just by taking a peek. Other people can tell if you have nail problems.

It is very a good indicator when it comes to nail health; checking up on how they’re doing might serve as a good early warning sign. It might even be life-saving in extreme cases.

Your nails and nail discoloration may tell you a lot about your general health, so it’s crucial to be aware of this.

Nail Health Chart

Brittle Nails

If your nails become wet, you’ll notice that they swell up. They become smaller after being exposed to dry air.

Cause: This continual fluctuation may cause your nails to become brittle and difficult to peel if you spend a lot of time with your hands in water, notably if you also use harsh soaps or cleaners. It is particularly important to keep in mind if you often wash your hands. 

Treatment: Wearing gloves when doing work around the home, such as washing dishes or vacuuming, is a simple method to shield your fingernails from the damaging effects of excessive wetness and harsh chemicals.

Choose rubber gloves that have cotton linings inside of them so that you may sweat less while wearing them.

Week Nails

These nails are likely to break or bend before they shatter.

Cause: Moisture and chemicals, such as cleaning fluids and nail paint remover, may cause nails to become soft. A vitamin deficiency like vitamin B, calcium, and iron may also cause weak nails. 

Treatment: Avoiding the use of toxins around your nails can help to keep them healthy. Give your nails a chance to heal by sticking to a natural look.

Norris cautions against avoiding using iron supplements until you understand you are lacking in the mineral. Take a multivitamin that contains calcium and Vitamin B.

Peeling Nails

Some external stress probably brought it on to the nail itself, such as when you used your nail as a tool, pressed too forcibly into the nail, or removed artificial nail paints.

Cause: If you wash your hands in warm soapy water for too long, you run the risk of your nails peeling. The following is a tip that might help you determine if the reason is internal or external. 

Peeling also occurring on your fingernails or toenails? If this is the case, the problem may be inside the body, such as a lack of iron. If you believe it’s coming from the inside, consider increasing the amount of iron in your diet. 

Treatment: If the environment causes the problem, you should keep your nails moist by using lotion after any task that might enable them to become dry.

If you continue to have these symptoms, particularly if you also see peeling on your toenails, you should consult a qualified doctor.

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Ridges in Nails

Fingertip ridges resemble small horizontal or vertical waves. Have you ever seen them? They appear on toes frequently. 

Cause: The top of a fingernail to the surface usually develops steep ridges as you get older. However, this is not always the case.

Unless they’re accompanied by additional symptoms like a change in color tone, they’re typically nothing to worry about. Horizontal ridges, sometimes known as Beau’s lines, may indicate chronic conditions or another underlying issue. 

Treatment: You should consult a doctor to find out what’s causing it if it straightens out any vertical ridges on your nail by lightly buffing the top of it. For horizontal lines.

Yellow Nails

Yellow nails might be caused by an illness or a response to a substance you’ve been using, such as nail paints. 

Cause: Yellow nails are rather frequent. If you see your skin becoming yellow, you may have a more serious problem, such as a thyroid ailment, psoriasis, or diabetes.

Naturally, your new nails should be clean again, but if they aren’t, you may use tea tree oil or vitamin E to help fight infection. 

Treatment: Vitamin supplements may also be helpful in this regard. You should see a doctor if you don’t see any change after a few weeks of treatment.

Black Lines On Nails

The appearance of black lines that are brown or dark red and seem like splinters is referred to as a splinter hemorrhage. They are capable of making several appearances. 

Cause: The most probable explanation is that you injured your nail in some way, such as when you slammed a door on your finger by mistake.

In very unusual instances, the lines may be an indication of a more serious underlying condition such as psoriasis and endocarditis. 

Treatment: If the lines are the result of an accident, they should vanish as your nail develops with time. But if after a few weeks you still don’t see any difference, you should consult a qualified doctor.

This is particularly important if you detect any additional symptoms, such as irritated skin or bleeding in the nail.

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White Spots on Nails

A zinc deficiency may be indicated by the appearance of scattered white spots on the nails, which often begin to emerge around the age of middle school. 

Cause: These white patches on your nails might be caused by an allergic response, a fungal infection, or damage to the nail. 

Treatment: Take a break from applying nail paint or any other cosmetics to your fingernails and allow them to grow out naturally if you want to safeguard your nails. Consult a qualified doctor if the spots continue to form or recur after treatment.

Half Moon on Nails

Do your nails have little half-moons at the very tips? 

Cause: This often does not indicate anything, and they may be just concealed behind your skin. If they can’t be found, this can be an indication that they are suffering from nutrition, anxiety, or anemia. 

Treatment: In most cases, the absence of half-moons is not caused for alarm; nevertheless, you should see a medical practitioner if they begin to become red or vanish after having been visible for some time.