Dietary fiber is crucial for efficient meal digestion and making you feel full. It is also referred to as “roughage” at times.
Veggies high in fiber have many health benefits. It includes lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and risk of diabetes, stroke, and gastrointestinal diseases.
Fiber comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble. Eating high-fiber foods is crucial because they all have different physiological effects. The majority of plant foods are a blend of the two.
Vegetables are perhaps the healthiest food group because of their high fiber content. Moreover, the vegetable fiber chart given below will help you know how much fiber each vegetable contains.

Recommended Intake
More than 90% of women and 97% of men do not get enough dietary fiber daily. It is likely because 85% of adults don’t consume enough whole grains, fruits, or vegetables. So, it is wise of you to read this article to know about high fiber sources!
The USDA recommends consuming 22–28 grams of fiber per day for women and 28–34 grams per day for men. Fruits and other high-fiber meals can help you consume more fiber each day.
High Fiber Content In Vegetables
The best method to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs, including fiber, is to eat a well-balanced diet high in whole plant foods. You can estimate your daily fiber intake using this list of high-fiber vegetables.
Name | Fiber | Quantity |
Peanuts | 9 g | 100 gram |
Broccoli, boiled | 5 g | 1 cup chopped |
Spinach, cooked | 4 g | 1 cup |
Carrot | 2.8 g | 100 grams |
Cabbage | 2.5 g | 100 gram |
Potato | 2.2 g | 100 gram |
Cauliflower | 2 g | 100 gram |
Cucumber | 2 g | 1 medium unpeeled |
Onion | 1.7 g | 100 gram |
The most consumed nut in the world is the peanut. The nutritional profile of peanuts is impressive. They are a great source of fiber, essential vitamins, and plant-based protein. The fiber in peanuts benefits your digestive system and lowers inflammation throughout your body.
The fiber in peanuts is beneficial since it can aid in preventing many gastrointestinal problems, including constipation. They contain 9 g per 100 g, roughly 25% or 33% of men’s and women’s recommended daily fiber intake.
Boiled Broccoli
While raw broccoli is delicious and healthy, cooked broccoli boasts an even higher fiber content than raw. There are 5 grams of dietary fiber in every cup of boiled broccoli.
Additionally, research suggests that boiling broccoli helps keep its other nutrients intact. You need roughly 9 cups of broccoli flowers to get the recommended fiber. Add more broccoli to your meal to help you meet your fiber objectives as it is low in calories.
Cooked Spinach
Insoluble fiber, abundant in spinach, has many potential health benefits. As food moves through your digestive tract, it gives stools more volume. It might aid in preventing constipation.
The amount of fiber in one cup of cooked spinach is 4 grams. Even though it might not seem like much, spinach has a high nutritious content when you consider that only 41 calories make up one cup of spinach.
Carrots are root vegetables that are delicious, crisp, and packed with nutrients. It contains significant amounts of vitamin K, vitamin B6, and magnesium. It also contains beta carotene, an antioxidant that your body converts to vitamin A.
The beta carotene in lightly steamed carrots will release more. Whether you eat them raw or cooked, you will still benefit from the 4.68 grams of fiber in each cup. You need roughly 6 cups of carrots to get the recommended amount of fiber.
Also read: Fiber in Fruits
The nutrients in cabbage support a healthy stomach and gut lining. Additionally, the juice of this plant helps speed up the recovery of stomach ulcers. Cabbage is a fantastic source of vitamin C, which is always vital to maintaining a robust immune system.
Every ten calories in cabbage correspond to one gram of fiber. It makes you feel fuller and eat less food. Additionally, it maintains your bowel movements and may also lower your bad cholesterol and regulate your blood sugar.
Fiber, which helps you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer, is abundant in potatoes. Additionally, potatoes include plenty of vitamins that support healthy bodily functioning and disease-fighting antioxidants.
Despite not having a high fiber content, potatoes may still be a substantial source of fiber for people who consume them frequently.
Eating potatoes with the skin on is always a good idea. The skin contains the most fiber, accounting for about 1-2% of the potato. You will get roughly 4 grams if you consume a medium potato with skin. You will only receive approximately 3 grams if you eat one without it.
The vegetable cauliflower is incredibly nutritious and offers many health benefits. Cauliflower has an excellent nutrient profile. Although cauliflower is high in vitamins, it has very few calories. Cauliflower has nearly every vitamin and mineral you might need.
The high fiber content of cauliflower is advantageous for general health. One cup of cauliflower contains 3 grams of fiber, or 10% of your daily requirements.
It’s a fantastic way to boost the fiber in your diet, but it might not be enough to meet the daily recommendation of 28 grams of fiber. It would entail consuming 8.5 cups of cooked cauliflower daily.
Cucumbers are low in energy density, meaning a large part has comparatively few calories because they are primarily water. Also, they are a rich source of vitamin K and have trace levels of other necessary elements.
While not a very high fiber source, cucumbers contain trace levels of soluble and insoluble fiber. Cucumber slices in a half-cup contain 0.3 grams fiber and nearly 2 grams of carbs. Peeled cucumbers have less fiber, with a large cucumber containing only approximately 1 gram.
Fiber makes up between 0.9 and 2.6% of the fresh weight depending on the variety of onions, making onions a good source of this nutrient. They contain a lot of fructans, a type of beneficial soluble fiber.
The amount of fiber in a medium onion is 1.9 grams. An onion contains 3 grams of fiber per cup (12 percent of the USDA daily recommended value). So, onions help you consume more fiber; better yet, they enhance the flavor of other foods high in fiber.
Summing It Up
Increasing your intake of fiber by following a vegetable fiber chart is a good health aim. A healthy diet includes fiber. It supports healthy bacterial growth, aids in maintaining regularity, and guards against heart and colon cancer.
Since it keeps you feeling fuller for longer, it can also help you manage diabetes and maintain a healthy weight.