Vegetables are a plant-based diet including flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, roots, and seeds of a plant. Vegetables are low in calories, fats, and carbohydrates.
Because they are low in calories and high in nutrition, they are widely used as a weight-loss diet. Over time, more and more people are turning vegan because of the health benefits of vegetables.
Vegetables can provide a substitute for many meat products. Let’s look into the vegetable calorie chart to find out the benefits and nutritional value of Vegetables.

Calories in Green Beans
Green beans offer 31 calories per 100 grams. It is a low-calorie vegetable with high nutritional value. Green beans are a fantastic source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Carbohydrates, vitamin K, along Dietary fiber.
Green beans are also packed with antioxidants that shield the body from free radicals. One cup of green beans a day is sufficient to keep you full and healthy. Greens beans are known for reducing LDL cholesterol which leads to heart problems.
Green beans are recommended by doctors for pregnant women, anemic patients, and athletes. It may prevent cancer, depression, and bone problems.
Greens beans can be consumed raw or cooked. If you do not like eating green beans alone, feel free to mix them in rice, chicken, or salads.
Calories in Asparagus
Asparagus is a low-calorie vegetable, which serves 20 calories per 100 grams. Being a calorie food is linked with weight loss.
Asparagus is rich in water, fiber, folate, vitamin A and C. Asparagus does not require a lot of preparation; you can grill it, cook it, or simply add it to your salad.
Asparagus supports women’s health during pregnancy, digestive system, and immune system. It can prevent bloating, UTIs, and hangovers as well.
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Calories in Carrot
Carrots add 41 calories to your account for every 100 grams. Carrots support overall body health. Carrots are filled with Vitamin which is known for improving eye vision, people who eat carrots are less likely to lose their vision.
The antioxidants in them avert heart diseases and cancer. While the high fiber content in carrots will boost your digestive system and can aid problems like constipation.
Carrots make the bones strong and increase bone density. It is equally good for skin, teeth, liver, and kidney function. Carrots aid in weight loss. Carrots are inexpensive and can be used in salads, juice, and as a meal alone.
Also read: Calorie Density: Chart for Healthy Eating
Calories in Cauliflower
Cauliflowers provide 25 calories per 100 grams. Cauliflower is enriched with nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Pantothenic acid, Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, and Phosphorus.
It is a low-calorie vegetable so you can eat it without worrying about taking in too many calories while the fiber in cauliflower makes you feel fuller.
Itely fat and cholesterol-free. The sulforaphane in it makes it a guard against heart disease and cancer. Cauliflower can be used in multiple ways, in rice, salads, soups, or hummus.
Also read: A to Z Leafy Vegetables
Calories in Potato
Potatoes add 77 calories per 100 grams to your diet. Many people are unaware that Potatoes are low in calories if used the right way.
Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and Manganese. It reduces the sugar level in els blood and inflammation. It prevents kidney stones and heart strokes.
It aids in liver cleansing. It is low in sodium and it’s known as the best energy-producing vegetable. To take full advantage of this Vegetable, avoid adding milk, cream, cheese, or frying.
Calories in Pumpkin
Pumpkin serves 26 calories for every 100 grams. Pumpkin is full of Fats, Proteins, Carbs, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, and Iron.
It contains little amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, folate, and certain B vitamins. Pumpkin is beneficial for eye health and sleep.
It controls diabetes, heart issues, and blood pressure. It boosts your immunity and collagen production. It promotes beautiful skin and weight loss. Use baked, stuffed, stir-fried pumpkins for better results.
Calories in Spinach
Spinach supplies 23 calories per 100 grams including sufficient amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, Folic acid, Iron, and Calcium. Spinach treats asthma, eyesight, kidney stones, and hypertension.
It also rescues sun damage. It has anti-inflammatory properties because it’s rich in antioxidants. It boosts immunity and prevents brain damage. Use Spinach in smoothies, meals, and salads.
Calories in Eggplant
Eggplant is a low-calorie vegetable with high benefits. It is popular for weight loss and helping against cell damage. Iron in eggplant treats anemia.
It improves the cognitive function of the body. It is beneficial during pregnancy, diabetes, and blood pressure. It supports bone health, cholesterol levels, and immunity
Calories in Avocado
Avocados are becoming one of the most popular and growing vegetables worldwide. Avocados are high in calories but they have multiple health benefits.
It is cholesterol-free, gluten-free, and has low sodium and high fibers in it. Avocados are used as a weight loss diet. They are rich in folic acid which makes them good for pregnant women.
They act as a natantibioticsiotic. They make hair and skin shiny. Majorly they prevent the gastrointestinal tract and fight cellulitis.
Also read: Nuts Calories Chart
Calories in Radish
Radish is high in nutrients. One of the major advantages of eating radish is that it greatly helps in lowering high blood pressure.
Moreover being a chief source of potassium, it provides strength to the blood vessels by producing collagen for their support. Vitamin C in radishes is a sturdy immunity booster.
Radish has high fiber amounts and thus plays a key role in maintaining the proper functioning of the digestive system, especially by regulating bile production in the body.
The presence of vitamin C, zinc, and phosphorus, helps us get rid of acne pimples, dry-patchy skin, and rashes. Its paste can also be applied to the face for cleansing.
Calories in Turnip
Turnips are excellent cancer-fighting agents. Their rich concentration of vitamin C enables them to boost immunity and fight cancer cells in the body.
Secondly, turnips can be used as a major way to maintain sugar levels in the body. Inflammations caused in the body due to arthritis, cancer, and high blood pressure can also be cured by the consumption of turnips. Moreover, the presence of vitamin K in turnips can help to support and strengthen our bones.
Glucosinolate is one of the key substances present in turnips that regulate the functioning of almost all of its benefits such as producing antibodies against cancer, regulating sugar levels, bone formations, etc.
Calories in Okra
Okra is majorly vitamin-K and C. Both of these nutrients help in building strong immunity and produce platelets in the blood helping your body clot the blood efficiently when required.
Okra also helps the body to fight cancer and produces antioxidants to fight the free radicals present in the body.
A substance called polyphenols helps us to reduce the risk of heart disease through its antioxidants. Okra also helps in regulating blood sugar levels as it gets absorbed during the process of digestion.
If a pregnant woman intakes a regular amount of okra in her diet, it can help strengthen the neural tube and reduce the chances of defects in the brain and spine development of the fetus.
To take full advantage of these vegetables, cook them without adding excess oil. Consult your dietitian for a balanced food chart to make sure you are doing it right.
These vegetables are high in nutrition and essential for a fit body. Add little portions of each vegetable to your diet to live a healthy, long life.